Yes Tobias,  it did show unable to resolve to component class name.  is that
two t5components.jar physically
need to copy to the WEB-INF/lib?

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Tobias Wehrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Cyber,
> in case you use Maven, just include the the dependencies in the POM. In
> case you don't, just include the jars like any other jar via
> Project->Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries.
> Did you try including the code shown at the demo page (
> )? Does it still say
> that it is "unable to resolve" it to component class name?
> - Tobias
> Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
>  thanks sven,
>> I have tried. but still failed.  may i know how to deploy t5components
>> inside a tapestry  web project?
>> or may be can you show me the project files layout. where should it be
>> located?
>> THank you.
>> REgards,
>> Cyber
>> On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Sven Homburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> try t5components/Accordion
>>>> hi all,
>>>> I have a problem to deploy t5components.
>>>> even i use t5c/Accordion , Acordion or t5compoents/Accordion also facing
>>>> the
>>>> same problem.
>>>> is there any path wrong?
>>>> Unable to resolve 't5c/Accordion' to a component class name. Available
>>>> component types: ActionLink, AddRowLink, AjaxFormLoop, Any, BeanDisplay,
>>>> BeanEditForm, BeanEditor, Checkbox, DateField, Delegate, Errors,
>>> EventLink,
>>>> ExceptionDisplay, Form, FormFragment, FormInjector, Grid, GridCell,
>>>> GridColumns, GridPager, GridRows, If, Label, Loop, Output, OutputRaw,
>>>> PageLink, Palette, PasswordField, PropertyDisplay, PropertyEditor,
>>>> Radio,
>>>> RadioGroup, RemoveRowLink, RenderObject, Select, Submit, SubmitNotifier,
>>>> TextArea, TextField, TextOutput, Unless, Zone, dojocomponent.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> TanMH
>>> --
>>> with regards
>>> Sven Homburg
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