I'm having the same issue, see here:


I'm working with a patched version of Tapestry, using a patch I provided here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TAPESTRY-2457

Another workaround could be to provide all of your fields that shouldn't use the default translators with your own one. You'll have to instantiate these custom translators on every page where you need them with the user's current locale. This is cumbersome but right now the only way I see. If you want to use the BeanEditForm with your own translators you'll have to overwrite the editors for the respective properties. See the "Property Editor Overrides" section here: http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tapestry-core/guide/beaneditform.html

Maybe Howard will include my patch or fix this in some other way if enough people vote for the issue so you might consider voting for it.


9902468 schrieb:

How can one override the default double translator in Tapestry 5? I want to
replace the default altogether, but have found only instructions how to
contribute new ones.
Why the add method in configurations doesn't replace the existing ones? Now
it gives warning and doesn't override the default ones.

And why the default double translator doesn't use numberformat and
Tapestry's locale to output the number correctly? (And parse for that

This is a flaw in otherwise nicely localized application, any thoughts?

 - 99

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