(i) Expansions. As the User's Guide section on templates points out: "Tapestry 4 users will note that expansions are a concise, easy replacement for the Insert component, and for the <span key="..."> directive." They are indeed. They are also not previewable. And I'm not just talking about the fact that you'll have an expression-like string instead of a sample-text string. If, for example, you had a column in a table for the grade achieved by a student, the values in this column will be single letters (A, B, etc.). Almost any expression used in the expansion is likely to be much longer than this and will probably throw the alignment of the (carefully designed) table way off. Also, is there a previewable way to internationalize a template in core T5 at the moment? (I haven't spotted one myself, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.)

Are you sure?  What about...
<span t:type="output" value="student.grade">A</span>

(ii) An equivalent of jwcid="$remove$". Yes, you can use t5components/Remove or write your own Remove that short-circuits at beginRender(), but conceptually a component shouldn't be instantiated at all in this case. The parser should just be discarding such template sections. A designer cannot design a repeating construct without seeing several of them stacked on top of each other. If that's to survive in the template, some such mechanism is needed. Also, it's worth pointing out that the move to initiate a T5 FAQ led to discussions that were in large part about things like $content$ and $remove$, discussions which subsequently trailed off inconclusively. So there does seem to be some confusion about where T5 is ultimately headed on this.

Agreed. Should be a directive so that it doesn't have to obey the matching tags rules.

(iii) A key aspect of previewability is the ability to provide a static attribute value in the template and have it overwritten at runtime. T5, in my experience, has taken a step back in this regard. For example, I wanted to make a CSS class attribute dynamic, so I put in a static value (to make the template look right) and an informal parameter to overwrite it:
<td t:type="any" class="static_value" t:class="prop:cssClass">
This didn't work. The static value remained, regardless of the value of the cssClass property. Once I deleted the static value from the template, it worked. However, doing so clearly diminishes previewability.

(iv) [This one isn't a showstopper, but I'll mention it anyway.] The Tapestry 5 documentation introduces the term "invisible instrumentation", but this is clearly a misnomer. The real dichotomy in instrumenting a Tapestry template is between
(a) Using Tapestry elements
(b) Attributing standard HTML elements
Tapestry elements are typically invisible in a rendered browser view of the template (just as much as namespaced attributes are) so it's not a good way of attempting to characterize the distinction between the two approaches to label one of them as "invisible instrumentation". It would seem to me that this will only cause confusion to newcomers.

Really there are 3 styles and I think the doco has slipped up on them. Weren't these the terms being used a while back...

- Components as elements, eg. <t:pagelink page="Index">Home</t:pagelink>
- Embedded components, eg. <a t:type="pagelink" t:page="Index" href="#">Home</a>
- Invisible instrumentation, eg.  <a t:id="index" href="#">Home</a>
        @Component(id = "index", parameters = {"page=Index"})
        private PageLink _index;

In relation to the T4-style attributing of HTML elements, some things have fallen back a little, specifically on the conciseness front. For example, in T4, I would typically avoid introducing extraneous levels of nesting in a template by attributing an existing tag whenever possible. So if the content of a table cell was conditional, I could attribute the <td> element to be an If component:
<td jwcid="foo">Should only appear sometimes</td>
I could then control whether or not the <td> tag itself rendered by using the renderTags parameter to the If component. With the T5 If component, this is not possible, so the simplest thing is to just wrap the contents of the cell either in a <t:if></t:if> or a <span t:type="if"></span>. Not a big deal but it is an extra level of nesting than was previously required. And conciseness is one of the reasons that some people (myself included) find the attributing of HTML elements approach to be so appealing.

Lastly, anyone that replies to say "I don't miss previewability" is missing the point. If your work practices dictate that it's not something you miss, good for you. For others, it's a big deal. It would seem to me that with a small amount of work, previewability could be restored to roughly where it was in T3/T4, which would be of great benefit to people whose work practices were greatly facilitated by said previewability. This is ground that Tapestry helped pioneer. It seems unnecessary to me to cede it to other frameworks.


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