In a component template I initially disable an input element when a
specific page property returns true


<input type="text" t:id="field" t:type="TextField" value="value"

(where checked is the page property returning a boolean value).

I also have a checkbox that enables the input element when the checkbox
is unchecked (and disables it when checked). Now when the input is
initially disabled and I enable the input (by unchecking the checkbox)
the value I entered into the input is not stored when I post the form.
The setter for the input (setValue) is called with parameter value null
and not the value I entered in the input. If I completely remove the
'disabled' attribute everything is working except that the input is not
initially disabled. Is this the expected behavior? If so how can I
disable the input when the checked property returns true at render time?

Martijn Brinkers

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