Hi Bill,

Thanks for your help. Yes all the public getters and setters are there. I just didn't show them to save space.

I've been assuming that beans that are simply being iterated over do not themselves need any annotations, that the annotations are confined to the component/page classes. Am I wrong here?

A simple cut and paste of all the properties and getters and setters from A to B means it all works again. I'm guessing that there is some reflection or cglib magic going on in the depths, but I'm fairly new to Tapestry and thought it best to ask... It looks like a bug, but might well be a feature. It would be nice to know.

Thanks again.

Would it be appropriate to cross post to the dev list, do you think?



Bill Holloway wrote:
Peter, make sure that the properties in your superclass are either
annotated with @Property or have public getter and setter methods.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Peter Courcoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Many thanks for your reply Sven.

However, I think that I didn't explain the problem properly.

If my, much simplified, java class is like this :-

public class comp {

  //note getters/setters/annotations not shown

  private B valueItem;

  private List<B> items = new ArrayList<B>();

  public List<B> getSourceList(){
        B item1 = new B();
        item1.setEmail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
        List<B> sourceList = new ArrayList<B>();
        return sourceList;

and a comp.tml including :-

              <tr t:type="loop" source="sourceList" value="valueItem">
                      <t:checkbox t:id="..." value="selected"/>

and use a setSelected(...) method  (not shown) to copy a ticked
valueItem to the items list,

  in the case of (1)

public class B {
  private String name;
  private String email;

All is fine.

However, if we have the case of (2)

public class A {
  private String name;

public class B extends A {
  private String email;

then the objects in the items list have email correctly set and name ==
null, where both should have been set.

I am using t5.0.13 and java6.

Any pointers/thoughts much appreciated.



Sven Homburg wrote:
the OGNL binding should help you

2008/6/30 Peter Courcoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi all,

When the loop component sets the value from the iterator, it seems to
properties inherited from a base class.

So if I'm iterating over a set of objects of class B which extends A, I'm
only seeing the properties of B set. All the properties which are
from A are null.

Am I missing something?

Any pointers much appreciated.



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