Hello all,

I'm new to Tapestry 5, and I'm having some problems:

In T4, the Shell component creates the outer layout. When I insert a
shell  component in my pages, it ignores the page <html><head> etc and only
the <body>, and renderizes the shell <html><head>.

    On T5, with the <t:layout>, it renders both, the layout <html><head> and
the page <html><head>.
    How can I make it render only the layout <html><head>?

    And how can I make so that it don't render something, like the $remove$
tag on T4?

The tutorials I found about T5 shows examples with layout this way:

On the layout page, it goes the shell:


On the page, just the body content, like:

<t:layout xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd";>

But if I do this way, when I open the page on a web browser it doesn't
recognize it
as a html page. I have tried adding a

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

It works for a preview, but when I run tapestry it throws this exception:
Failure parsing template context:Start.tml: The markup in the document
following the root element must be well-formed.

How are you doing to preview the pages?


Fabio Kreusch

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