I know most eyes are focused on T5, but people work with legacy apps
as well so...
I have a small application built on Tapestry 3.0.3.
It compiles, and I can build a .war, but no matter what I try, the
.war won't contain the tapestry jars.
The app is supposed to work in a hosted environment, I would like it
to be self-sufficient (i.e. pack all it's libraries in it's war) but
I'm obviously failing.
My project was built with eclipse+spindle. Tapestry Framework plugin
defaults libraries are included in the project java buildpath,
libraries tab, and are also checked on the "Order and Export" tab.
On war deployment, I get ClassNotFoundExceptions mentioning the
tapestry RequestFilter (if I recall correctly, can't try it out at the

Basically, I'm stuck and would very much welcome opinions and suggestions.


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