Yep I tried that, but when I converted a working stripping servletfilter to a
requestfiler, I have to deal with tapestry's request and response in
addition to sevlet.HttpServletRequest and servlet.httpServletRepsonse. 

Although I override both (Response and HttpServletResponse, since I guess
some code uses Response while some use HttpServletResponse) still no luck. 

My code (almost an exact copy of the servlet filter I had ealier, but with
overwriting the Tapestry-reponse as well) is: 

public boolean service(Request request, Response response, RequestHandler
        throws IOException {
                if (request.isRequestedSessionIdValid() &&
                        Session session = request.getSession(false);
                        if (session != null) session.invalidate();

                        // wrap response to remove URL encoding
                        HttpServletResponse httpResponse = 
                        HttpServletResponseWrapper wrappedResponse = new
                                public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url) { 
return url; }

                                public String encodeRedirectURL(String url) { 
return url; }

                                public String encodeUrl(String url) { return 
url; }

                                public String encodeURL(String url) { return 
url; }

                        response = new ResponseImpl(wrappedResponse);
                        _globals.storeRequestResponse(request, response);
                return handler.service(request, response);

But still JSessionId in the results. (although actionlinks take a cycle more
to pick up the JSessionID than without the filter) 


Robert Zeigler wrote:
> Just turn your ServletFilter into a RequestFilter.
> You can use ApplicationStateManager in RequestFilters now.
> (See, for example:
> Robert
> On Jul 10, 2008, at 7/1012:30 PM , Britske wrote:
>> yeah I realize that JSessionId is there for the session, but I want  
>> to build
>> functionality into a dispatcher that strips this jsessionid from the  
>> request
>> if a user is not logged in (logged in in my app means that a User- 
>> instance
>> exists in the ASM) and if the user has cookies disabled.
>> The rationale is
>> that I don't want search-engines to see the JSessionid, but I want  
>> to enable
>> users without cookies to login and track their settings using  
>> JSessionID in
>> the url.
>> Since search-engines don't login these 2 groups are nice mutually  
>> exclusive
>> and so it's a clean cut when to strip the JSessionid and when not.
>> Except that I'm still not sure how to do it.
>> Wrapping the request and response in a handler (before Tapestry  
>> comes in
>> action) and stripping it like that works, but doing it almost  
>> exactly the
>> same in a dispather doesn't .
>> That's why I think it has to do with some internal tapestry  
>> processing.
>> Do you have an idea where to look?
>> Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
>>> All the jsessionid functionality is provided by the servlet  
>>> container,
>>> not by Tapestry.  And it does exactly what you are suggesting ...
>>> except that its not about the user being logged in, its about the  
>>> user
>>> have a session.
>>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Britske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> partially related to a post I send a couple of days ago, but  
>>>> perhaps this
>>>> explains better what I'm trying to do.
>>>> I'm trying to strip the jSessionId from displaying in the url if:
>>>> 1. user doesn't have cookies (otherwise it won't display anyway)
>>>> 2. user is not logged in.
>>>> I wanted to implement this as a filter, but I have to go with a  
>>>> dispather
>>>> since to see if a user is logged in I need to have access to the  
>>>> ASM,
>>>> which
>>>> I can't get to in a filter.
>>>> Now somewhere in between all the HttpSevletRequest to  
>>>> tapestry.request
>>>> comversion, etc. tapestry decides to take over the JSessionId  
>>>> provided by
>>>> the HttpServletRequest. I want to intercept this call somehow and  
>>>> strip
>>>> the
>>>> JSessionId from the request.
>>>> I implemented a Dispatcher (the last in the line before onActivate  
>>>> is
>>>> called) and basically wrapped (subclassed) HttpServletRequest and
>>>> HttpServletResponse to return null for the sessionid and have  
>>>> redirecturl
>>>> return url. My own HttpServlet get's called in the app (and  
>>>> returns null
>>>> for
>>>> getrequestedSessionId()) This request is added as a constructor  
>>>> param to
>>>> a
>>>> newly created tapestry.requestImpl which are both saved to
>>>> RequestGlobals. I
>>>> though that should do the trick
>>>> not...
>>>> Apperantly somehow the jsessionid is picked up anyway although (when
>>>> expecting  
>>>> requestglobals.getHttpServletRequest.getRequstedSessionId() in
>>>> page.onactivate() this correctly returns null).
>>>> Anyone?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> my code:
>>>> //SessionStripController
>>>> public final class SessionStripController implements Dispatcher {
>>>>       private ApplicationStateManager asm;
>>>>       private RequestGlobals globals;
>>>>       public SessionStripController(ApplicationStateManager
>>>> asm,RequestGlobals
>>>> globals){
>>>>               this.asm = asm;
>>>>               this.globals = globals;
>>>>       }
>>>>       public boolean dispatch(Request req, Response response) throws
>>>> IOException
>>>> {
>>>>               if (req.isRequestedSessionIdValid() &&
>>>> globals.getHTTPServletRequest().getCookies()==null)
>>>>               {
>>>>                       Session session = req.getSession(false);
>>>>                       if (session != null) session.invalidate();
>>>>                       HttpServletRequestWrapper wrappednRequest =  
>>>> new
>>>> HttpServletRequestWrapperOwn(globals.getHTTPServletRequest());
>>>>                       HttpServletResponseWrapper  
>>>> wrappedResponse      =
>>>> new
>>>> HttpServletResponseWrapper(globals.getHTTPServletResponse())
>>>>                       {
>>>>                               public String encodeRedirectUrl(String
>>>> url) { return url; }
>>>>                               public String encodeRedirectURL(String
>>>> url) { return url; }
>>>>                               public String encodeUrl(String url) {
>>>> return url; }
>>>>                               public String encodeURL(String url) {
>>>> return url; }
>>>>                       };
>>>> globals.storeServletRequestResponse(wrappednRequest,  
>>>> wrappedResponse);
>>>>                       globals.storeRequestResponse(new
>>>> RequestImpl(wrappednRequest), new
>>>> ResponseImpl(wrappedResponse));
>>>>               }
>>>>               return false;
>>>>       }
>>>> }
>>>> //HttpServletRequestWrapperOwn
>>>> public class HttpServletRequestWrapperOwn extends
>>>> HttpServletRequestWrapper
>>>> {
>>>>       public HttpServletRequestWrapperOwn(HttpServletRequest  
>>>> request) {
>>>>               super(request);
>>>>       }
>>>>       public String getRequestedSessionId(){
>>>>               return null;
>>>>       }
>>>> }
>>>> --
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>>> -- 
>>> Howard M. Lewis Ship
>>> Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind
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