
I have been experimenting with T5's ajax support which looks really nice! One 
problem I have hit is when I use a nested component within a block, simple 
properties are displayed but the nested components don't render e.g.


<t:zone t:id-"zone" />
<t:block t:id="theBlock">
 name:  ${photo.name}
 rating: <t:rating id="rating" />
<t:actionLink t:id="showDetails" t:zone="zone">show details</t:zone>


private Photo photo
private Block block;
// rating is custom component which renders 1-5 stars based on photo.getRating()
@Component(id="rating", parameters={"user=user", "photo=photo"})
private Rating rating

Block onActionFromShowDetails() {
    return block;

When I click the actionLink the block is rendered and it displays the photo's 
name etc. but it doesn't render the rating component. Do I have to modify the 
rating component to support ajax? The component works fine in a non-ajax way



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