I'm doing the Tapestry Tutorial. I'm getting the following for the Forms
part of the tutorial:


caught an exception while obtaining a class file for


org.apache.tapestry5.internal.services.TransformationException: Error
obtaining injected value for field
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.Logger



I'm using Jetty 6 and Jetty Runner in Eclipse and I'm attempting to do
the Tapestry Tutorial.


I see this has been raised before and is supposedly a "Jetty Error".
Unfortunately I am not knowledgable enough to fix this myself (and
really, the Tutorial should say something about this and give a fix
rather than leaving novices like me hanging with no idea what is going
on. Apologies if there is something about this, but a Google search
turns up very little).


One solution was for jetty.xml to have:


<Set name="parentLoaderPriority">true</Set>



I've done this, but it doesn't fix the problem.


mvn jetty:run


does allow the page to load, but I want to be able to run Jetty from


Can someone either point me at a solution or provide one?  (and please,
it has to be in terms a novice can understand).


Thank you!

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