I'm posting this for future searches on similiar problems:

After renaming the package of my app I had strage effects in the output:
Part of the pages where missing, depending on the follow-up tags, e.g., in the 


the PrintOrNot paragraph only got printed, when the form was deleted from the 
tml. Similiar effect occurred with elements in or below the form.
When only an expansion like ${message:searchButton} was on the page, the system 
printed an expection saying that "This markup writer did not have a current 
element", but I didn't use any markup writer myself.

Finally I found that I did not rename the directory of the .tml file which was 
used as a global layout around the page. The component tmls had to be placed 
under WEB-INF/classes for jetty to find them when run under eclipse, so I 
simply forget them.

Nevertheless I think that those issues are a big downside of "convention over 
configuration" and the general design of tapestry: since almost all hooks and 
other things, like tmls, are not required, and pages are not derived from a 
base page, the system cannot tell you that they are missing / not found. Hooks 
like @SetupRender can be verified by logs, but a missing tml will not show up 


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