
I have no experience with OSGi, but perhaps this issue can help:


On 2008-08-14 15:09, Atle Prange wrote:

i am currrently trying to integrate tapestry into an OSGI container using apache felix and the ops4j pax web service. (For many interesting reasons, one of them is the possibility to add services to the webapp at runtime...)

I have managed to register the Tapestry filter, and load my app module, the builtin modules are also loaded at startup. But i am not able to load my pages, the request just falls through and ends up with my registered default servlet. I have tried to locate the code that bootstraps the pages and components to see if there is some error in locating or loading the page classes in the .pages package, but i have not been able to find the code that initializes the pages.

Could someone with intimate knowledge of tapestry give me a hint to where the loading of pages is performed initially, so i can check for myself?

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