Alex Kotchnev wrote:

I also found this solution :,
but life just becomes a little uglier with it. I see that we're
through these hoops to prevent template previewability and so if it becomes
too much of a hassle to deal with I can scrap previewability. However, it's
such a pity when it was nice and elegant in T4, and not it's a little worse.

What are the problems with the last option? You just mark <html> tag with t:type="layout" and wrap the $content$ area with <t:parameter name="body"> content...</t:parameter>. Simple. Inside the layout you use <t:delegate t:to="body"/> instead of <t:body/> and that's all (there "body" is the component parameter).

Like this:

 <head> ... </head>
   <div id="header"> ...</div>
   <div id="content"> <t:delegate t:to="body" /> </div>
   <div id="footer"> .. </div>


<html t:type="layout">
 <head> ... </head>
   <div id="header"> ...</div>
   <div id="content"><t:parameter name="body"> Foo, bar baz </t:parameter></div>
   <div id="footer"> .. </div>

Ivan S. Dubrov

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