
here's my problem :

the short exception

ERROR 14:28:02.703 Processing of request failed with uncaught exception: Exception in method org.atlog.mjweb.base.BaseInfo.onActivate(long) (at BaseInfo.java:15), parameter #1: Coercion of xfade2.css to type java.lang.Long (via String --> Long) failed: For input string: "xfade2.css" (DefaultRequestExceptionHandler.java:54) org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventException: Exception in method org.atlog.mjweb.base.BaseInfo.onActivate(long) (at BaseInfo.java:15), parameter #1: Coercion of xfade2.css to type java.lang.Long (via String --> Long) failed: For input string: "xfade2.css" at org.apache.tapestry5.internal.structure.ComponentPageElementImpl.triggerContextEvent(ComponentPageElementImpl.java:1054) at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)

my component

public class Bandeau extends BasePage {

   public Info getInfo() {
       return getOneInfo("BANDEAU");


my class BaseInfo

public class BaseInfo extends BasePage {

   private Info _info;

   void onActivate(long idInfo) {
       _info = findById(idInfo);

   Object[] onPassivate() {
       Object[] o = new Object[2];
       o[0] = _info.getIdInfo();
       o[1] = getUrlName(_info.getTitre());
       return o;

   private Info findById(Long idInfo) {
       return getDAO().getInfoDAO().get(idInfo);

   public Info getInfo() {
       return _info;


my page class

public class MandatInfo extends BaseInfo {

My component "Bandeau" is included in my "MandatInfo" page.

I don't understand what's wrong...
Is there a problem whith @IncludeStylesheet ?

thanks for help

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Base de donnees virale (VPS) : 080827-0, 27/08/2008
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