Jesse, could you comment on this? I haven't tried profiling my apps, but the
repeated calls to Ognl.compileExpression are worrisome if Denis got his
numbers right. Are there any ognl-related changes in 4.1.6? Denis, maybe you
could repeat your profiling with the latest snapshot, so hopefully something
could still be done for this before 4.1.6 is released.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 5:08 AM, denis queffeulou <

> Hi all,
> I'm making some profiling on an web app made with Tapestry 4.1.5 which
> returns XML.
> The result are disappointing as the average access time (got with JMeter)
> is around 2000ms.
> In JProfiler, I found that OGNL expressions compilation uses 40% of
> processing time.
> As the JMeter script is requesting always the same page on the webapp, I'm
> wondering why the expressions are always compiled. The cache seems not to be
> used:
> 31896 invocations on ExpressionCache.getCompiledExpression
> 31140 invocations on Ognl.compileExpression
> Is there someone to give me a clue to have better performances ?
> Thanks
> PS: sorry for double posting in dev list, I had some problems to subscribe
> to users.
> --
> Denis Queffeulou
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