I don't know enough about CXF/JAXB to say for certain, but I would think not.

Tapestry uses the context class loader
(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ) which is set by the
application server. It doesn't change it.  It creates new class
loaders that use the context class loader as a parent. JAXB may do the
same, but this shouldn't affect the code.  I would pursue this on the
CXF forums for now.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Martijn Brinkers
> My Tapestry 5 application uses the CXF soap client (cxf.apache.org) to
> connect to an external soap service. The soap client uses JAXB for
> marshalling and unmarshalling of the XML. When I run my (war)
> application in Jetty I get a strange JAXB error
> javax.xml.bind.JAXBException:
> mitm.application.mimesecure.ws.AdminDTO is not known to this context
> This is kind of strange because AdminDTO is a class in a jar file
> (mimesecure.jar) which is used by a lot of page classes. I can even load
> the AdminDTO using a Class.forName so the class can be found.
> Now if I start Jetty as follows:
> java -Djetty.class.path="mimesecure.jar" -jar start.jar
> AdminDTO can be found by JAXB.
> I think this might be caused by having multiple class loaders. Can this
> be caused by the Tapestry classloader?
> Thanks,
> Martijn
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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