You've misunderstood the purpose of @Cached. The documentation ( says:
"The Cached
allows you to cache the results of a pag/component method for the
lifetime of a single request. It can be attached to any non-private,
non-abstract method:". When you press F5 you are creating a new request. You
might be looking for @Persist instead; you use it with an abstract property
that you populate somewhere else, for example in pageBeginRender.


On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 10:03 AM, michael lim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> in my page, i do like below, but when i press refresh F5 on page, i keep on
> getting database hit.  when using cached, aren't it not suppose to call
> getFromDB() for subsequent call ?
> @Cached
>  public String getGenerateMenuCached() {
>        return dao.getFromDb();
>    }
> //in my dao
> public String getFromDB(){
>  System.out.println("hit db");
> }
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