Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience integrating a CMS in
to a Tapestry 5 App. I really like the T5 templating system and so I
am keen to keep using it. However sometimes I need to be able to allow
the user to edit a pages content, however other parts of the site need
Tapestry features so I can't us a conventional CMS like Magnolia. Has
any one else had any success with this sort of integration.

What I was thinking was using Magnolia or another CMS as an editor
then accessing the CMS's JCR data store (such as Jack Rabbit)
directly. Then when the component tries to load its template it
fetches it directly form the JCR. That way Tapestry's page caching
could be used to as normal and would reduce access to the JCR. It
would be nice to let it reload the template in the same way that a
normal components template file changes get reloaded. Is this the best
way to integrate a CMS or is there something I am missing?

My problem is I am not really sure if this is possible using
Tapestries IOC. I realise I could make changes to the tapestry code
base directly but I am keen to keep my project compatible with the
official Tapestry Jars. I have used the IOC to make a security service
which responds to various annotations on a page's methods so I do have
some experience with it, but parts of it are still a bit of a mystery
to me.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Charlie M

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