@Scope does, indeed, make more sense than @Persist and @ApplicationStateObject. I wouldn't mind that change, but is it feasible at this point in Tapestry 5's development cycle?


On 2008-09-17 17:36, Geoff Callender wrote:
Exactly. To everyone who thinks @ApplicationState is not a misleading term, I would ask you to think back to when you started with T5. Are you sure you didn't think @ApplicationState meant application-wide scope? When I see @ApplicationState today I still do a momentary double-take before I remind myself that only services have application-wide scope.

Of course, it would be possible to persist an ASO in a way that achieves application-wide scope, but who has ever done it and why would you?

Lubor's suggestion in an earlier thread is compelling - remove all confusion by replacing @Persist and @ApplicationState with @Scope:


I think it deserves serious consideration, don't you?


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