
On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 23:59 +0200, Luca Menegus wrote:
> if anybody is interested I'll have some more tests tomorrow.
I have also seen this issue but didn't find the time to have a look at
it. So I'm definitely interested :)

> Looking forward to have a fix for this issue included in the next release.
Sounds really good!


On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 23:59 +0200, Luca Menegus wrote:
> Hi all,
>  don't know if this has been already reported but the new datefield 
> component's not working for me. The problem seems to lie in the onParse 
> methos of the org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.DateField class 
> which reads:
> JSONObject onParse()
>     {
>         String input = request.getParameter(INPUT_PARAMETER);
>         JSONObject response = *new* JSONObject();
>         *try*
>         {
>             Date date = format.parse(input);
>             response.put(RESULT, date.toString());
>         }
>         *catch* (ParseException ex)
>         {
>             response.put(ERROR, ex.getMessage());
>         }
>         *return* response;
>     }
> It formats the response using date.toString() which returns a string 
> which is not parsable by JS in my current setup. I got around it 
> replacing "response.put(RESULT,date.toString());" with 
> "response.put(RESULT, popupFormat.format(date));" (popupFormat is 
> defined in the same class as *new* SimpleDateFormat(*"MM/dd/yyyy"*);). 
> Don't know if this format is correctly parsed by all browser in every 
> Locale, if anybody is interested I'll have some more tests tomorrow.
> Looking forward to have a fix for this issue included in the next release.
> Nice night,
>  Luca
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Martin Grotzke

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