On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 6:21 AM, Blower, Andy
> We've just tried to upgrade our project from 5.0.14 to the new 5.0.15 release 
> of Tapestry and have discovered a couple of problems.
> 1)      Our custom binding 'fmtmessage' stops working with .15, the 'fmt' 
> part is ignored and the standard 'message' prefix is used with the output 
> prefixed with 'fmt'.

could you show me an example from a .tml file?  I can't even imagine
how this would happen!

> 2)      Our custom XhtmlMarkupWriterFactoryImpl to enforce valid XHtml output 
> also seems to have stopped working.

What you have looks like it should be working, I'm not sure why it
would stop working. I'd place breakpoints in the bind() method and in
the constructor to ensure that the methods are getitng invoked as a
first pass at tracking down what happened.

> Anyone else had these issues with 5.0.15?
> They are configured like this in our module:
> public static void contributeAlias(Configuration<AliasContribution> 
> configuration, @InjectService("XhtmlMarkupWriterFactory") MarkupWriterFactory 
> factory)
> {
>      configuration.add(AliasContribution.create(MarkupWriterFactory.class, 
> factory));
> }
> public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder)
> {
>      binder.bind(MarkupWriterFactory.class, 
> XhtmlMarkupWriterFactoryImpl.class).withId("XhtmlMarkupWriterFactory");
> }
> public static void contributeBindingSource(MappedConfiguration<String, 
> BindingFactory> configuration, BindingSource bindingSource)
> {
>      configuration.add("fmtmessage", new 
> FormatMessageBindingFactory(bindingSource));
> }

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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