You should not put non-component code under component packages.
move the CountryEncoder to something like com.shared.util instead.

2008/9/27 Keith Bottner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am trying to use a bundle a select component for the specific case of
> displaying a list of countries and from the all the documentation that I
> have run across and I always get an exception when the page is rendered. It
> says:
> Component class com.shared.base.CountryEncoder may not be instantiated
> directly. You should use an @InjectPage or @InjectComponent annotation
> instead.
> Code is below, any help is appreciated.
> public class CountryEncoder implements ValueEncoder<Country>
> {
>  public String toClient( Country value )
>  {
>    if (null == value) return null;
>    return value.getName();
>  }
>  public Country toValue( String clientValue )
>  {
>    if (InternalUtils.isBlank(clientValue)) return null;
>    return DAO.getCountry(clientValue);
>  }
> }
> public class CountryOptionModel implements OptionModel
> {
>  Country country;
>  public CountryOptionModel(Country country)
>  {
> = country;
>  }
>  public String getLabel()
>  {
>    return country.getName();
>  }
>  public Object getValue()
>  {
>    return country;
>  }
>  public Map<String, String> getAttributes()
>  {
>    return null;
>  }
>  public boolean isDisabled()
>  {
>    return false;
>  }
> }
> public class CountrySelectModel implements SelectModel
> {
>  private List<Country> countries;
>  public CountrySelectModel()
>  {
>    countries = DAO.getCountries();
>  }
>  public List<OptionGroupModel> getOptionGroups()
>  {
>    return null;
>  }
>  public List<OptionModel> getOptions()
>  {
>    if (null != countries)
>    {
>      List<OptionModel> options = new ArrayList<OptionModel>();
>      for (Country c : countries)
>      {
>        options.add(new CountryOptionModel(c));
>      }
>      return options;
>    }
>    return null;
>  }
>  public void visit( SelectModelVisitor visitor )
>  {
>  }
> }
> public class CountrySelect
> {
>  private Country selectedCountry;
>  public Country getSelectedCountry()
>  {
>    return selectedCountry;
>  }
>  public void setSelectedCountry(Country country)
>  {
>    selectedCountry = country;
>  }
>  public CountrySelectModel getCountryModel()
>  {
>    return new CountrySelectModel();
>  }
>  public CountryEncoder getCountryEncoder()
>  {
>    return new CountryEncoder();
>  }
> }
> And my template has this.
> <t:select t:value="selectedCountry" t:model="countryModel"
> t:encoder="countryEncoder"/>
> Any ideas?
> Keith
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