
I'm very happy to announce the Ars Machina Project: a collection of open-source packages, released under the Apache Public License version 2. Its goal is to provide well-written common application building blocks that cut development time and bugs and to suggest some development standards (packages and naming conventions). Its home is my website, www.arsmachina.com.br, that has just went live. The website sources are open-source too and part of the project.

All packages have version 0.9 and are considered beta. My plans are to receive the feedback from the community, improve the packages and then release their 1.0 version until the end of November or even sooner. Everyone is invited to give their opinions on the packages, being them positive or negative.

A short description of each package follows. For more details, visit the project home at www.arsmachina.com.br/project or ask me. :)

Tapestry CRUD:
Provides support for creating CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) pages using Tapestry 5, eliminating most of boilerplate code, providing out-of-the-box AJAX support and providing a standard way of implementing CRUDs. This package also adds some concepts not existing in Tapestry 5, such as the activation context encoder.

Tapestry CRUD-Hibernate-Validator:
Adds Hibernate Validator validations into Tapestry CRUD forms.

Tapestry Access Logger:
Provides support for easy logging of user accesses (visits) in Tapestry 5 applications. It provides out-of-the-box logging using Sfl4J and the standard output.

Tapestry Access Logger-Hibernate:
Logs user accesses (visits) in Tapestry 5 applications using Hibernate to store them in a database.

Ars Machina Example Project:
A simple Web application built to be an example of all the above packages and of Tapestry, Hibernate, Hibernate Validator, and Spring themselves.

Ars Machina Site:
Sources of www.arsmachina.com.br, provided as another example of the Ars Machina Project packages, Tapestry 5, Hibernate, and Spring Framework (including JavaConfig).

Generic DAO:
Provides some interfaces that define generic DAOs (Data Access Object). This package is completely implementation-independent and has no dependencies.

Generic DAO-Hibernate:
Implements all methods of Generic DAO interfaces using Hibernate as ORM framework. It is meant to be used as a superclass for DAO implementations.

Generic Controller:
Provides some interfaces that define generic controllers (business rules tier) and an implementation of them. This package is completely implementation-independent and has no dependencies except Generic DAO.

Generic Controller-Spring:
Provides a controller implementation class with transaction management using the Spring Framework and annotations.

Generic Authentication:
Provides classes and interfaces that implements a generic authentication module: User, Permission, PermissionGroup, Role. This package is completely implementation-independent and has no dependencies except Generic DAO, Generic Controller and the JPA ORM annotations.

Generic Authentication-Hibernate:
Implements the Generic Authentication DAOs with Hibernate.

I would like to invite everyone to a happy hour next Thursday, October 9th, 6:30PM (GMT-3), at Dona Margherita (address: Avenida CarandaĆ­, 840, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil) to talk about the project, about other projects, any other subject, and drink and eat something. :)

PS: I know most people in this list lives very far from here, but why wouldn't invite my Tapestry folks? :)

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java consultant, developer, and instructor
Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java

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