Em Mon, 06 Oct 2008 11:01:34 -0300, Russell Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

In jsp

<c:forEach items="${someList}" var="myItem"

<c:if test="${!empty someVar}">
        <somemarkup attr="$someVar}"/>

<c:set var="someVar" value="${myItem.myProperty}"/>


You don't need to create a component from that, just stop thinking JSP when coding Tapestry. :) In Tapestry, all the logic is implemented in pages classes, with no logic in templates. And this is a very good thing, as the logic is easily tested when implemented in classes. ;)

Not tested, but hopefully it will give you an idea on how to do that:


private ItemType item;

@Property /* so we don't need to provide the getter and setter, as they don't have any logic */
private ItemType lastItem;

public ItemType getItem() {
        return item;

public void ItemType setItem(ItemType item) {
        lastItem = this.item;
        this.item = item;

public List getList() {
        return ...; // list to be iterated

public boolean isNotEmpty() {
        return lastItem != null; // or any other logic


<t:loop source="list" value="item">
        <t:if test="notEmpty">
                <somemarkup attr="${lastItem.myProperty}"/>     

If you don't get it, tell us. :)

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java consultant, developer, and instructor
Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java

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