Can anyone see anything wrong with my code?

        <t:zone t:id="formzone">
                <t:form t:id="form" style="display:inline"
                    <t:if test="gallery.publicGallery">
                        <input type="image"
src="${asset:context:images/green_tick.png}" alt="yes"
style="vertical-align:middle;padding-left:5px" />
                    <t:unless test="gallery.publicGallery">
                        <input type="image"
src="${asset:context:images/red_cross.png}" alt="no"
style="vertical-align:middle;padding-left:5px" />

    void onSuccess() {
        gallery.setPublicGallery(! gallery.isPublicGallery());

Basically i display a tick if the gallery.publicGallery is true and a cross
if it's false. Clicking on the tick/cross changes the state. This works fine
using a conventional submit but adding the ajax stuff just gives me an empty
div when the form is submitted

I'm sure it's something simple i've missed


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