You might want to try using the method naming convention instead of annotation.

@OnEvent(value = "reset")
   public Object reset(){
       tableParsed = false;
       saveSucceed = false;
       return null;

change to:

   public Object onActionFromReset(){
       tableParsed = false;
       saveSucceed = false;
       return null;

See if it works.
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 6:01 PM, moritzgilsdorf
> Just to bring this up. I tried several things to solve the Problem but to no
> avail. I still have no clue on what is going wrong here.
> I've put everything from the component into a page, nothing changed. I
> testet it on several other computers, nothing. I tried it using tomcat,
> nothing.
> I have ActionLinks in other pages within the same project and they are
> working well. It's strange.

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