have somebody had a look over it?? 
Thank you

olip wrote:
> I have got problems with the t5component chart when using in conjunction
> with the t5 component tabset.
> As an example I use the code from the t5components site and make a test
> site
> with three tabs. the middle tab should contain a chart (also from the
> examples on t5components)
> When running this code I get three empty tabs and I cannot switch between
> them, it seems like the site "hangs". When I start the same code without
> displaying the chart component in the middle tab it works just fine.
> The sample code works when using only the tabset or the chart. 
> I am using tapestry 5 
> Maybe those components interfere each other?
> Thanks for your help
> Oliver
> ===================================
> MyPage.java
> import org.apache.tapestry.commons.utils.XYDataItem;
> import org.apache.tapestry.commons.components.Chart;
> import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Component;
> import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Cached;
> import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Persist;
> import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.OnEvent;
> import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory;
> import org.apache.tapestry.commons.components.TabSet;
> import java.util.List;
> public class MyPage {
>     private List<List<XYDataItem>> _testData;
>     /**
>      * simple chart
>      */
>     @Component(parameters = {"dataItems=testData"})
>     private Chart _chart1;
>     /**
>      * subclassed bar chart component
>      */
>     @Component
>     private Chart _chart2;
>     /**
>      * subclassed line chart component
>      */
>     @Component(parameters = {"dataItems=testData"})
>     private Chart _chart3;
>     @Persist
>     private String _activePanel;
>     /**
>      * generating some data arrays
>      */
>     @Cached
>     public List getTestData() {
>         List<List<XYDataItem>> dataList = CollectionFactory.newList();
>         List<XYDataItem> list1 = CollectionFactory.newList();
>         List<XYDataItem> list2 = CollectionFactory.newList();
>         list1.add(new XYDataItem(0, 0.5));
>         list1.add(new XYDataItem(1, 0.6));
>         list1.add(new XYDataItem(2, 1.8));
>         list1.add(new XYDataItem(3, 0.9));
>         list1.add(new XYDataItem(4, 2));
>         list2.add(new XYDataItem(0, 1.5));
>         list2.add(new XYDataItem(1, 2));
>         list2.add(new XYDataItem(2, 4.5));
>         list2.add(new XYDataItem(3, 3.5));
>         list2.add(new XYDataItem(4, 5.5));
>         dataList.add(list1);
>         dataList.add(list2);
>         return dataList;
>     }
>     public String getActivePanel() {
>         return _activePanel;
>     }
>     public void setActivePanel(String activePanel) {
>         _activePanel = activePanel;
>     }
>     @OnEvent(component = "tabset", value = "action")
>     public void onChange(String choosenPanelId) {
>         _activePanel = choosenPanelId;
>     }
> }
> ===========================================
> MyPage.tml
> <html xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd";>
>     <body>
>         <div t:type="t5components/TabSet"
> panelIds="list:'stuff1','stuff2','stuff3'" activePanelId="activePanel">
>             <div id="stuff1" style="display:none;">
>                 <h1>Hello Guys and Dolls</h1>
>             </div>
>             <div id="stuff2" style="display:none;">
>                <div t:id="chart1" style="width: 350px; height: 150px;"/>
>                 <br/>
>                 <div t:id="chart2" style="width: 350px; height: 150px;"/>
>                 <br/>
>                 <div t:id="chart3" style="width: 350px; height: 150px;"/>     
>             </div>
>             <div id="stuff3" style="display:none;">
>                 <h1>Hello World!</h1>
>             </div>
>         </div>
>     </body>
> </html>
> ===================================================
> MyPage.properties
> label-stuff1 = introduction
> label-stuff2 = chart
> label-stuff3 = greetings
> ===================================================

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