On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Joel Halbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does T5 support arguments to methods in expressions?
> e.g. something like the argument to the inner loop source below:
>           <tr t:type="loop" t:source="promotedRows" value="var:index">
>               <td t:type="loop" t:source="promotedCols(${var:index})">item
> ${var:index}</td>

I expect to revamp the property expression language in 5.1 (or perhaps
5.2, depending on priorities) to support this, almost. Unless I get
very clever, I don't think we'll see ${var:index} allowed ... you'll
have to use a real property, not a var: psuedo-property, but then it
will look lke:


I also expect to add some ternary operator (test ? expr1 : expr2), a
"smart" dereference ("[ expr ]" that can be applied to arrays, Lists
and Maps), and maybe some simple filtering / projection operators,
along with method invocation.

>           </tr>
> Is this allowed? I ask because the above code does not throw an exception,
> however the promotedCols(int) method is NEVER invoked although the inner
> loop iterates exactly ONCE (although it should be more times).
> Is this behaviour is a bug?
> Thanks,
> Joel
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