
I'm currently working on T5-IOC and BlazeDS integration and I'm looking for
some simple declarative way how to automatically register application
services as BlazeDS destinations.

What I want to achieve is to be able to automatically detect all services in
T5-IOC registry annotated by my custom @Destination annotation and register
them using BlazeDS API. To implement this logic I'm using following

1. First of all I need to get list of all service definitions available in
the T5-IOC registry. The only solution how to do this, I've found so far, is
to use ServiceActivityScoreboard.getServiceActivity().

Is ServiceActivityScoreboard really the only way how to list all services
available in T5-IOC registry or is there any better way how to do this?

2. Once I have the list of all available services I need to check
annotations on implementation class of each of them. The problem here is
that service definition provides information about service interface only
and not about service implementation class.

Is there any way how to do this and detect if any of service implementations
(or any of its methods) is annotated  by some specific annotation (without
service instantiation)?


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