Hi Peter,
that seems odd. Your label, being just as an html tag not the Tapestry
component, should not be touched by Tapestry at all. Is there a reason,
why you do not use the component? If not, I suggest you rewrite your
code to:
<t:label class="formLabel" for="address2" />...
This surely does not answer your question, but might well solve your
Greetz nillehammer

> Hi everyone,
> Not sure if its just me, but since this morning I am experiencing some weird 
> problems with whitespace.
> This line of code:
> <label class="formLabel" /><t:textfield t:id="address2" value="site.address2" 
> /><br/>
> Is rendering as:
> <label class="formLabel">
>    <input id="address2" type="text" name="address3"/>
>    <img id="address2:icon" class="t-error-icon" 
> src="../../assets/5.0.16-SNAPSHOT/tapestry/spacer.gif" alt="" style="display: 
> none;"/>
>    <br/>
> </label>
> Which is clearly incorrect, if I add a character like this:
> <label class="formLabel">Z</label><t:textfield t:id="address2" 
> value="site.address2" /><br/>
> it becomes:
> <label class="formLabel inlineBlock">Z</label>
>   <input id="address2" type="text" value="201 Main Street " name="address2"/>
>   <img id="address2:icon" class="t-error-icon" 
> src="../../assets/5.0.16-SNAPSHOT/tapestry/spacer.gif" alt="" style="display: 
> none;"/>
> <br/>
> which is correct. I even tried replacing the Z with a space or character 
> code, but it doesn't work either... has something changed in the tag 
> rendering with regards to whitespace? why is label closed in the wrong place? 
> is anyone else experiencing this?
> thanks,
> Peter
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