I have created a component, SingleInputRowTable,  
which is just a loop over a TextField component for 
inputting a list of numbers. 

The validation on the input numbers varies from case to case.
So, I would like to pass in a validator to SingleInputRowTable for the embedded 
TextField component.

When I added  parameter 
  @Parameter(defaultPrefix = BindingConstants.VALIDATE,required=false)
        private FieldValidator<Object> validate;
to SingleInputRowTable.java 
and specified the embedded TextField.valdate to inherit from above, 
the following exception occurred.

Could not convert 'required,min=0' into a component parameter binding: 
Component 'credit/CDSSpread:singleinputrowtable' is not a field (it does not 
implement the Field interface) and may not be used with the validate: binding 

The SingleInputTableRow.java does not implement the  interface Field.

Is there an easy way to pass in a validator to SingleInputRowTable (or 
  do away with  hardcoding the validate parameter of the embedded TextField)?

Thanks in advance for any assistance !


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