hi all,

i am using the onEvent mixing but since 5.0.17 my code does not seem to work 
any more.

though the event response should be "cost1|cost2" tapestry seems to ignore my 
textstreamresponse and
firebug reports that the response is the value of the selectbox itself
(post: value    750, response: {"value":"750"} instead of cost1|cost2).

any ideas? thank you

i got a select box on my page:

<t:select t:id="selectQuantity" value="orderItem.quantity" model="graduatedQuantities" t:mixins="t5components/OnEvent" event="change" onCompleteCallback="onQuantityChange"/>

with the according javascript function:

        <script type="text/javascript">
        function onQuantityChange(response)
            tokens = response.split("|")
            $('costWithoutVat').value = tokens[0];
            $('costWithVat').value = tokens[1];

in my code there is an event handler:

        @OnEvent(component = "selectQuantity", value = "change")
        public Object onChangeFromSelectQuantity(int value) {
                return quantityChange(value);
        public StreamResponse quantityChange(int value)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                return new TextStreamResponse("text/html", sb.toString());

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