Hi Toby

> Is there an example of using the Beaneditform for ManyToMany and ManyToOne 
> associations?
> Is there a more simple solution with less code then what is described in 
> "Adding New Property Editors" ?
Check Trails's main trunk. Check the "Recipe" example. It's still a
work in progress but you can see editors for ManyToMany and ManyToOne
in action.

> In theory there could be a Beaneditform that would automatically add all 
> associated entities?
> Or what is the reason why associated objects are currently ignored?

I think that the main reason is that you'd need to process more
metadata than the metadata processed for "simple" properties, and that
that metadata is not fully available through annotations.
Even if it were available, is too much metadata to process it on the
fly (IMMO), so you would need to process it on bootstrap time and save
the processed info in custom "holders" to query them later.
Does it sounds familiar?

> Thanks!
> Toby


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