Thanks Hugo,

I've [tried to] inject the request and the response as mentioned (for
the request) at:

    private HttpServletRequest request;

    private HttpServletResponse response;

It works for the request, but not for the response (exception below).
I've googled for ways to inject the response (I thought it would be
similar) but no luck.

Error obtaining injected value for field No service implements the
interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.

Error obtaining injected value for field No service implements the
interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.

In case it matters, I'm using T 5.0.18 and JBoss 4.2.2GA
Thanks in advance,

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Hugo Palma <> wrote:
> In your page class inject the check url like this:
> @Inject
> @Value("${spring-security.check.url}")
> private String checkUrl;
> then on your onSuccessMethod:
> response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + checkUrl + "?j_username=" +
> username + "&j_password=" + password);
> where username and password are the bound variables for your username and
> password text fields on the form.
> Jean Luc wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been trying to integrate T5 and Spring Security (2.0.4, not the older
>> Acegi) but haven't succeeded in making the two work together.
>> The standard way to specify a form login with Spring 2.5 is like below.
>> See
>> the <form-login> element which specified the login page (Login) and what
>> URL
>> Spring will intercept (the standard j_security_check).
>> <b:beans xmlns="";
>>    <http>
>>        <form-login login-page="/Login"
>>                    default-target-url="/Start"
>>                    authentication-failure-url="/Login?login_error=1"
>>                    login-processing-url="j_security_check" />
>>    </http>
>> I have a typical Login.tml (labels and cosmetic stuff removed for brevity)
>> <t:form t:id="loginForm">
>>    <table><tr><td><input type="text" t:id="j_username" t:type="TextField"
>> t:value="j_username"/></td></tr>
>>        <tr><td><input type="text" t:id="j_password" t:type="PasswordField"
>> t:value="j_password"/></td></tr>
>>        <tr><input type="submit" value="Log In"/></td> </tr>
>>    </table>
>> </t:form>
>> What happens is that the POST that occurs when submitting the form goes to
>> the Login.onSubmit() instead of j_security_check. While it is possible to
>> add code there to call Spring's AuthenticationManager, I would end up
>> duplicating what Spring Security does (the logic to redirect to different
>> pages if the login succeeded or not and so on). I'd like to use Spring
>> since
>> it already implements this.
>> Is it possible to submit the login info to j_security_check instead? Or to
>> forward the request from within Login.onSubmit() to /j_security_check?
>> I went through the "Tapestry 5" book by Alexander Kolesnikov, but didn't
>> find this info. Also, I am aware of the tapestry5-acegi extension (
>> but this one seems under
>> development and for such a simple thing I didn't want to add a dependency
>> on
>> another jar.
>> As you can tell, I'm new to T5. I've had some exposure to T4 and an older
>> version of Spring (2.0) but there things were quite different, both in
>> Tapestry itself and in how Acegi is configured  in Spring.
>> Advice is appreciated,
>> JL
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