There are some on the tapestry wiki, under the Tapestry 5 How-Tos.


On 2-Jan-09, at 13:51 , Kevin Monceaux wrote:

Tapestry Fans,

I've been tinkering with Tapestry a little bit off and on but am still pretty much a complete newbie.

In the past I've tried a few other Java frameworks, but a framework that requires more lines of XML configuration than lines of source code never made any sense to me.

I've also tinkered a bit with various "script" based frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Django. At the moment I have two websites I act as webmaster for. My personal web site is currently a mixture of PHP and PSP(Pascal Server Pages). Actually I think PSP is now known as PWU - Pascal Web Units. The second is a local canine agility group's web site which is currently Django based. I'm considering converting both to Tapestry.

In the past I purchased the PDF version of Enjoying Web Development with Tapestry and went through part of it with Tapestry 4. That was quite a while back and don't really remember any of it, which is probably a good thing considering how different Tapestry 5 is.

I've gone through the Tapestry 5 tutorial a few times and was thrilled to recently discover it now has some database examples. The last page of the tutorial says:

... but Tapestry and this tutorial are a work in progress, so stay patient, and check out the other Tapestry tutorials and resources available on the Tapestry 5 home page.

I checked the Tapestry 5 home page but couldn't find any other tutorials. I'm anxiously awaiting other tutorials and/or additional sections of the current tutorial.

I purchased "Tapestry 5: Building Web Applications: A step-by-step guide to Java Web development with the developer-friendly Apache Tapestry framework" when I first heard about it but was underwhelmed, especially with it's lack of database examples. Now that the tutorial has got me going with some database examples, I'm taking another look at that book. Will all the examples in the book work with the current version of Tapestry 5 or are there any changes I should be aware of? Are there any other Tapestry 5 books available now or in the near future?

Where can I find some relational database examples? I think I came across a couple of entity examples with annotations along the line of @ManyToMany, @OneToMany, etc., in the documentation section of the Tapestry web site but I'm now having trouble finding them again.

Can the grid component handle hierarchical data? For example, the brags page on WAG's website currently looks something like:

which is pulling data from three different tables. The Members page currently looks like:

It's currently a static page but I'm planning to move everything into the database, which will also involve a few tables. If the grid component can handle hierarchical data, can someone point me towards some examples?

Bruceville, TX

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!!

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