Dear tapestry users,

I have been using tapestry5 for quite a long time now, and am very happy about the framework. It really makes web development a lot easier.

However, there are a couple of cases where tapestry doesn't help. In each of these cases it seems like I have to jump trhough hoops to get some properly working behaviour. I am wondering whether there may be some solutions to these issues :

- events in components with parameters and/or persistent state when displayed in a loop

Tapestry does a lot of magic behind the curtains to assure everything works as expected inside components. This is great. However, once components are used in a loop, the events suddenly have the same url for each of the components in the loop. When your event handler needs to have access to component parameters or persistent state, it all goes wrong. Yes this can be handled by passing a context to the event, but this ends up in forcing you to maintain your own persistence mechanism... It would be nice if some kind of support could be given for this as part of the framework.

- complex navigation and persistent state

I have a complex crud application. You can select linked records on seperate pages. The page state contains how to fill in the value and how to go back to the previous page. This works fine in the general case. However, when the domain model contains loops (eg table A referring table B which refers to table A again), then this can go wrong. Let's say the user starts from page "X" and wants to set a link to "A". After setting the return page in page "selectA", the user (from that page) clicks on a link to page "selectB" and from there to (another) "selectA" page. When moving back, the user goes nicely back to "selectB", "selectA" and then "selectB" again (should be "X"). This is caused by only being able to have persistent state for one "selectA" page, and not being able to indicate that there are two different instances. You can solve this by using an activation context, but this is aching to implementing your own persistence mechanism again.
Here again some framework support would be very useful.

Anybody has ideas how solutions to these problems could be included in the framework?

Joachim Van der Auwera
PROGS bvba,

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