You can observe browser events also by using prototype Event.observe
function. For instance you can use this javascript code in your page:

Event.observe(window, 'unload', function() {
  // your unload actions

In this case you don't need direct access to html body element what will
simplify your situation.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:28 AM, tapestryphoto <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a template component that is used by all my pages.  I'd like to be
> able to specify <body onUnload="..."> for one of those pages. Unfortunately
> it doesn't seem to matter what way I try I cannot get it to work.
> I can't include a <body> in the page because then there will be two such
> tags (Firefox doesn't mind, but IE doesn't recognise the second body tag -
> plus it is poor form anyway).
> I can't include onUnload in the template <body> because it appears to just
> be replaced with a standard <body> tag when the page is rendered.
> I can't use any form of <t:if> ...  (which I would have liked to do -
> passing the onUnload string into my template and then choosing a single
> <body> or parameterised version depending on whether the value was null)
> because <body> has to match with </body> and the </t:if> tag obviously
> screws this up.
> I can't use t:outputRaw to generate my tag because it won't generate
> special characters properly ("<" and ">").
> I don't recall having these sorts of problems with Tapestry 3 when I used
> it many moons ago.  It seems T5 is really rather limited in this respect.
> Is there any way to do what I want? It is rather critical that I can
> perform onUnload.
> thanks,
> p.
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