On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Jochen Kemnade <jochenkemn...@web.de> wrote:
> Hello,


> I've got a problem with creating "stateless" event links. I've got a page, 
> which has an activation context. On the page, there's a component, that 
> displays
 > images. These images are rendered by a service, which I have
injected into the component. In the component, I use an event link and
a handler method, that
> uses a method of the service to have the images created. The problem I run 
> into is, that the created event links get the page activation context encoded 
> as t:ac
> URL parameter. This information is needed neither by the component nor by the 
> service, but it prevents the browser from caching the images. Can I somehow > 
> > create event links without this parameter?

What value are you passing to the context field of
LinkFactory.createComponentEventLink()? AFAIK, Tapestry always adds
the current activation context to any links, unless you specify an
activation context yourself. Try createComponentEventLink(Page page,
String nestedId, String eventType, boolean forForm, new Object[0]).


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