Hi everyone!Im writting to talk about  my impressions after 1 week (6 work
days) of Tapestry.

I study and work with programming since 98, when I started with Turbo
Pascal. In 2003 I've met PHP and seen that web programming was what I want
to do. Since of it I've been working in bigger and bigger projects and
clients (went from forums, forms and Real State websites to full ajax image
manipulation web system).
Since my first C++ class I hated java... Cause C is good? Not, cause the
teacher ended each sentence with "java do it too!". Ive even got in some
courses, but never got into it. Even in last one and half year, discussed a
lot with my colleagues about how "workfull" is java and how ridiculous it
was to see them waste time with so few progress.
Anyway, few days ago I've decided to learn java, just to proof that it was a
waste of time... Happens that I've met Tapestry and it is amazing. I've
enjoyed a lot learning and using it, even with my very limited knowledge in
java, I've managed to make a lot of things in just one week.
Maybe the best highlight to talk about is the community. Even slow as the
most java comunities I've met, it is far friendly and dedicated, in a point
that even when someone gives you a 'RTFM' is friendly, something unique at
my experiences.

With this small testimonial, I want to thank a lot to all members (freenode
guys specially) for being patient and friendly, I hope soon I have time to
write up a simple and clean tutorial about T5 and maybe can help up it to
grow (it may have more php developers trying java and failing).

thanks again


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