

I am looking for a good tutorial(or help) on advanced components with forms
and event bubbling.


In particular a component that takes a value(with some paramaters) then
spits out a form with a form fragment inside a zone.  When the user clicks a
button in this component  the value parameter is to be changed and an
OnEvent caught to manipulate it.  I am not even sure if this is.


Below is the code I would like to turn into a single value component(it is
basically an in place editor):


<div t:type="Zone" t:id="firstNameZone" >

<form t:type="form" t:zone="firstNameZone" t:id="firstNameForm">

<div t:type="Errors"/>

${firstName} <t:ButtonFragment t:id="modifyFirstName"
t:mixins="triggerfragment" fragment="firstNameModify"/> <t:formfragment
t:id="firstNameModify" visible="modifyFirstName" > <input t:type="TextField"
t:id="firstName" t:validate="required"/> <input type="submit" value="Save"/>





private Zone firstNameZone;



private String _firstName = "Fname";


private boolean _modifyFirstName;


@Component(id = "firstName")

private TextField _firstnameField;

@Component(id = "firstNameForm")

private Form _firstNameForm;



@OnEvent(value = EventConstants.VALIDATE_FORM, component="firstNameForm")
public Object validate() { if (_firstName == null
||_firstName.trim().equals("")) { //validation errors
_firstNameForm.recordError("must have a fname"); return firstNameZone; }
else { return null; // let the form submission process continue } }


@OnEvent(value = EventConstants.SUCCESS, component="firstNameForm") public
Object sucess() { // do whatever you want _modifyFirstName = false; return
firstNameZone; }


I would like the OnEvent to bubble through to the page.


Any nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.


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