
 I've created a small project but I just figured out that I was still
using tapestry 5.0.10 instead of the latest version. So I removed the
old jars and replaced them with new ones. So far so good, I fixed the
imports some other things that needed to be changed. Then I ran the
application again and it gave me an unexpected error.    

 An unexpected application exception has occurred.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: caught an exception while obtaining
a class file for nl.collection.components.Layout   

 In t5.0.10 the template files and the class files for Layout were
inside the nl.collections.components package. I've read somewhere on
the mailinglist that they might need to be separated so I moved the
Layout.tml file to my WebContent folder. In both ways it didn't work

 My webpage is: (Start.tml)  
 ... insert random text here ...
 And there is a the Layout.tml which is basically nothing more than
the most simple html file. I also tried to modify Start.tml to: 

 ... insert random text here ...
 Which also didn't work out. When I edited the Start.tml to be a
small html file it worked.   

 Does anybody has a clue?  

 - Kasper  

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