
Let's say I have:

public interface Foo {

public class A implements Foo {

public class B implements Foo {

public class C implements Foo {

public class Index {

  private Map<Float, Foo> foos = new TreeMap<Float, Foo>();


Let there be components for classes A,B,C, also

<component.A id="" /> etc.

I want in Index.tml to loop over foos, and based on Foo type to call
appropriate component (A,B or C):

Something like:

    <div t:type="loop" t:source="foos" t:value="item" >

/* Here should be something like :
if(item insanceof A)
  <component.A id="item.id" />
if(item insanceof B)
  <component.B id="item.id" />
if(item insanceof C)
  <component.C id="item.id" />

        <t:category.preview.render t:previewId="preview.id"/>

As I know Tapestry If component is checking true/false on property, and
adding that properties to
Foo is not an option.

I hope I'm clear enough.

So, how could I accomplish this?

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