Ok, I created a JIRA improvement request for this - TAP5-538 - 


On Thu, 26 Feb 2009 02:52:25 Peter Stavrinides wrote:
> Thanks for this Russell, saves me some work! any Jira open for this?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Scott Russell" <scott...@gmail.com>
> To: "Tapestry users" <users@tapestry.apache.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, 24 February, 2009 12:33:49 GMT +02:00 Athens, Beirut, 
> Bucharest, Istanbul
> Subject: Re: Disabling onBlur field validation
> I have implemented a band-aid fix for this problem. Thus far it's a little 
> raw, and could do with some tidying up. It doesn't do anything clever - just 
> override the existing functionality where possible while trying to keep all 
> the rest relatively intact. It disables the validation on focus changes, but 
> leaves the validation on form submit. The only thing it doesn't do as yet is 
> remove the validation markers (ie. the red label and the x icon), if the user 
> inputs correct data into validatable fields after a failed form submit.
> Just create a javascript file with the following contents, and include it 
> with any page you want to turn validation off (eg. attach it to a common base 
> page class to include it on all pages).
> AbstractBasePage.java
> @IncludeJavaScriptLibrary("validation-fix.js")
> public abstract class AbstractBasePage {
> validation-fix.js
> Tapestry.FieldEventManager.addMethods({
>       initialize : function(field)
>     {
>         this.field = $(field);
>         var id = this.field.id;
>         this.label = $(id + ':label');
>         this.icon = $(id + ':icon');
>         document.observe(Tapestry.FOCUS_CHANGE_EVENT, function(event)
>         {
>             // If changing focus *within the same form* then
>             // perform validation.  Note that Tapestry.currentFocusField does 
> not change
>             // until after the FOCUS_CHANGE_EVENT notification.
>             if (Tapestry.currentFocusField == this.field &&
>                 this.field.form == event.memo.form)
>                 ;//this.validateInput();  // NB: disable validation on field 
> focus change
>         }.bindAsEventListener(this));
>     }
> });
> Tapestry.ErrorPopup.addMethods({
>     initialize : function(field)
>     {
>         this.field = $(field);
>         this.innerSpan = new Element("span");
>         this.outerDiv = $(new Element("div", {
>             'id' : this.field.id + ":errorpopup",
>             'class' : 't-error-popup' })).update(this.innerSpan).hide();
>         var body = $$('BODY').first();
>         body.insert({ bottom: this.outerDiv });
>         this.outerDiv.absolutize();
>         this.outerDiv.observe("click", function(event)
>         {
>             this.ignoreNextFocus = true;
>             this.stopAnimation();
>             this.outerDiv.hide();
>             this.field.activate();
>             Event.stop(event);  // Should be domevent.stop(), but that fails 
> under IE
>         }.bindAsEventListener(this));
>         this.queue = { position: 'end', scope: this.field.id };
>         Event.observe(window, "resize", this.repositionBubble.bind(this));
>         document.observe(Tapestry.FOCUS_CHANGE_EVENT, function(event)
>         {
>             if (this.ignoreNextFocus)
>             {
>                 this.ignoreNextFocus = false;
>                 return;
>             }
>             if (event.memo == this.field)
>             {
>                 //this.fadeIn();  // NB: prevent existing validations 
> reappearing on field focus change
>                 return;
>             }
>             // If this field is not the focus field after a focus change, 
> then it's bubble,
>             // if visible, should fade out. This covers tabbing from one form 
> to another. 
>             this.fadeOut();
>         }.bind(this));
>     } 
> }); 
> Hope this helps.
> cheers,
> Scott
> On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:37:54 Borut Bolčina wrote:
> >
> > +1 for turning off the onBlur validation
> >
> > We have done some UI testing on users trying to use a registration wizard
> > which collects some mandatory data on step 1 and have found it unacceptable
> > that validation bubbles are popping up whenever users jump between fields.
> >
> > Do I have to ditch custom side validation altogether or is there a
> > workaround? I would like the custom side validation only happens when the
> > user submits the form(fragment).
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Borut
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