wow....thnx you very much for the explanation...thnx u

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 12:04 AM, nille hammer
<> wrote:

> Hi dwi,
> you do not need the password to be output to implement that feature. In
> fact it is very insecure and uncommon to implement something like "Your
> current passoword is: xxx" . This would mean you had to store the password
> in clear text. This as Thiago already pointed out is insecure.
> Think of the password-Field as a one way  street. Values submitted by the
> user are used to update the values on the server side, but the content of
> those values is not sent back to the client. To implement the password
> change. Provide a form with two password fields and check wether the values
> entered by the user do match. If they do, change password, if not send error
> message. Right now I have no IDE at hand so cannot provide you with tested
> example code. But I think something like the follwowingshould work
> tml-file:
> <t:form t:id="myForm">
> <t:label for="pw1" />
> <t:passwordfield value="pw1" t:id="pw1" validate="required" />
> <t:label for="pw2">
> <t:passwordfield value="pw2" t:id="pw2" validate="required" />
> <t:submit  t:id="send"/>
> </t:form>
> Page class:
> @Component
> private Form myForm; // links to <t:form t:id="myForm">
> @Component
> private PasswordField pw1; // links to <t:passwordfield
> t:id="pw1">
> @Property
> private String pw1;
> @Property
> private String pw2;
> Object onValidateForm() {
>  if (this.pw1 == null || !this.pw1.equals(this.pw2)) {
>    myForm.recordError(pw1, "Passwords do not match");
> }
> ....
> Kind Regards, nillehammer
> --
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