Ok, on further investigation, the "tapestry.secure-enabled=true" cannot make a difference as this was only added in

When I add the following in my application module

public static void contributeAlias( Configuration<AliasContribution> configuration )
       BaseURLSource source = new BaseURLSource()
           public String getBaseURL( boolean secure )
               System.out.println( "??????? secure is " + secure );
               return "https://localhost:8443";;
configuration.add( AliasContribution.create( BaseURLSource.class, source ) );

It works again, but this clearly indicates that secure is false, indicating that the contributeMetaDataLocator is not working.

Has something changed ? Should this now be done differently ?

Thanks for the help,

Joachim Van der Auwera wrote:
I am upgrading to from 5.0.18 to and have a problem with secure pages.

My application is configured to run entirely on https. This was done by adding the following in my application module:

public static void contributeMetaDataLocator( MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration )
       configuration.add( MetaDataConstants.SECURE_PAGE, "true" );

However, all links, forms etc want to redirect to http instead of https.
I have tried both using no configuration and using both
-Dtapestry.production-mode=false -Dtapestry.secure-enabled=true

But it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


Joachim Van der Auwera
PROGS bvba, progs.be

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