Do you mean:

this.activeTabId = 'tab4'


If not, there's your answer.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Peter Kanze <> wrote:
> Hello
> Why is this working:
> if (element.up().id == 'tab4')
>      element.addClassName('active');
> And this not:
> if (element.up().id == this.activeTabId) {
>    element.addClassName('active');
> And this.activeTabId = tab4
> See here the full javascript code:
> var ActiveStyle = Class.create();
> ActiveStyle.prototype = {
> initialize : function(element, activeTabId) {
> this.activeTabId = activeTabId;
> this.panelLinks = $('tabset').select('a');
> Event.observe($(element), 'click', this.doConfirm
> .bindAsEventListener(this));
> },
> doConfirm : function(e) {
> this.panelLinks.each(function (element)
> {
> if (element.up().id == 'tab4') {
> element.addClassName('active');
> }else {
> element.removeClassName('active');
> }
> })
> }
> }

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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