For some reason, my brain likes to keep a consistent capitalization strategy

So, I've grown accustomed to


and home/Index.tml, home/ ... etc

I just noticed that in my latest new project, I used <t:Body/> in a layout
template and I'm getting an error:

Exception assembling root component of page home/Index: Unable to resolve
'Body' to a component class name. Available component types: ActionLink,
AddRowLink, AjaxFormLoop, Any, BeanDisplay, BeanEditForm, BeanEditor,
Checkbox, DateField, Delegate, Errors, EventLink, ExceptionDisplay, Form,
FormFragment, FormInjector, Grid, GridCell, GridColumns, GridPager,
GridRows, If, Label, Layout, LinkSubmit, Loop, Output, OutputRaw, PageLink,
Palette, PasswordField, ProgressiveDisplay, PropertyDisplay, PropertyEditor,
Radio, RadioGroup, RemoveRowLink, RenderObject, Select, Submit,
SubmitNotifier, TextArea, TextField, TextOutput, Unless, Zone.

If I switch to <t:body/> ... all is well.

Just thought this was interesting.


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