The text in is ambiguous.

In one place it says *-DarchetypeCatalog=*, but inside the
example box there's *-DarchetypeCatalog=* which does not work.

*Unfortunately, many users see only the latter url!*


2009/6/17 Norman Franke <>

> I did, and that worked using jetty on the command line. Eventually,
> following the other instructions, I was able to even get that working in
> Eclipse. However, it is very basic: no hibernate, no
> security/authentication.
> I started following the instructions in the tutorial, which do not work.
> Norman Franke
> Answering Service for Directors, Inc.
> On Jun 17, 2009, at 2:21 PM, Juan E. Maya wrote:
>  did u follow the tapestry quickstart in
>> ? I don't think it
>> could get easier than this. U can even run it inside eclipse if u have
>> the m2 plugin for maven.
>> i do agree with u that the documentation could be better, however,
>> reading your message somebody could believe that starting a new
>> tapestry project is extremely difficult and it's totally the contrary.
>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Norman Franke<> wrote:
>>> I've been using T4/4.1 for several years and have been quite pleased with
>>> it. I've been using it with Hibernate, and while not perfect, it's worked
>>> pretty well. We've found it much faster to embed a web browser in our
>>> main
>>> app and do editing, queries and the like via Tapestry than writing native
>>> code.
>>> I have a new project to replace our aging billing system. I figured this
>>> would be a great way to learn T5. So, I'm migrating me, not an app. :-)
>>> I was pondering posting this, but this thread sort of pushed me over the
>>> top. Note that I don't disagree with anything Howard said. However, this
>>> almost became "Why I almost dumped Tapestry entirely."
>>> I'm writing this in order to solicit feedback and maybe help others. I've
>>> been using Tomcat (now 6.0.20) and Eclipse (now 3.4.2) for quite time
>>> time,
>>> and I'm very productive developing use them (and T4.1) I think this is a
>>> pretty common development environment.
>>> To get started in T5 for a fresh new app, my first thought was to follow
>>> the
>>> tutorial at
>>> Chapter 2 just plain didn't work for me. I think part of it is due to
>>> Maven
>>> generally being extremely fragile and working less than half of the time.
>>> However, even after working around that, you can't just import the
>>> project
>>> into Eclipse. At least not under Eclipse 3.4.2.
>>> No problem, I thought. Maven is annoying anyway. I'll just create a
>>> Dynamic
>>> Web project (like I do for T4.1) and download the T5.1 binary
>>> distribution.
>>> That's even worse. It comes with no README listing dependencies or
>>> anything
>>> useful, and includes tons of libraries that don't appear to be even
>>> needed.
>>> Tapestry failed to start up during initialization. Why have a binary
>>> distro
>>> that doesn't work?
>>> Back to Maven. After some googling, I found this article:
>>>  Shouldn't
>>> this be included in the tutorial? Sadly, the tutorial is extremely basic,
>>> but at least it works. (And is the only way I've found to actually create
>>> a
>>> new project in Eclipse to date.)
>>> Next, I tried Tapestry Jumpstart. After hours of configuration and random
>>> errors (using Tomcat), it worked. However, it's so fragile and klugy that
>>> I
>>> just can't see using it in production. I don't care about OpenEJB. I want
>>> just plain T5.1 and Hibernate. Plus running in a remote tomcat sessions
>>> eliminates many of the developer productivity benefits of T5 in the first
>>> place. One thing I liked about T4 was that I could deploy a WAR to a
>>> stock
>>> Tomcat install, and it would just work. That won't happen with Jumpstart.
>>> Plus. it if takes 3 hours to just get a working developer environment,
>>> why
>>> even bother?
>>> Next up, AppFuse. It's only T4, but there is a Tapestry 5 add-on. Sadly,
>>> AppFuse's T4 support is now broken due to a dependancy on tapestry-flash
>>> that appears to be missing and following the instructions on the AppFuse
>>> Tapestry 5 page doesn't work anymore either, resulting in tons of missing
>>> resources.
>>> So, since T5 doesn't appear to provide much in the way of authentication
>>> /
>>> security (a very basic requirement for almost all webapps), I started
>>> down
>>> the tapestry5-acegi approach. Of course, that doesn't work with T5.1. I
>>> managed to get it working and then upgraded to tapestry-spring-security
>>> 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT. Still didn't work without augmentation. (Thanks to maven
>>> for
>>> not updating the packages when I switched to the snapshot, too. I had to
>>> delete the "nu" directory in my ~/.m2 directory. One more reason Maven
>>> blows. It just doesn't do what you want.)
>>> I'd love to see more people use Tapestry, but after attempting a new
>>> project, I'd feel embarrassed asking people to give Tapestry a look at
>>> this
>>> point. Heck, I'm thinking maybe sticking with T4.1 is the way to go,
>>> despite
>>> all the benefits of T5. But, I really do want to start in on T5 since
>>> I've
>>> loved using T4 for the last few years, and it does seem to be a step
>>> forward.
>>> I think its common to want to just get something working in order to get
>>> a
>>> feel for the framework. Doing so in Tapestry, at least for me, has been a
>>> waste of two days. I finally, on the third day, I have something that
>>> appears to allow the tutorial to work with basic security. I'm not sure
>>> if
>>> others have similar problems and just gave up without comment, making
>>> other
>>> frameworks seem more popular?
>>> Norman Franke
>>> Answering Service for Directors, Inc.
>>> On Jun 16, 2009, at 7:20 PM, Howard wrote:
>>>  I recently had an e-mail exchange with a Tapestry user; after
>>>> congratulating me on creating Tapestry, he went on with the following
>>>> observation on his organization: The company I work at unfortunately
>>>> chose JSF for their big app. The reason was that Tapestry was "brittle"
>>>> in the sense that, if one developer breaks something, on a page or a
>>>> service, very often the whole site won't come up because the initial
>>>> registry startup will fail. Or for example, if page A has a pagelink to
>>>> page B, and page B is broken, then page A won't render. While I agree
>>>> that we shouldn't ship unless the whole app is working, this is a
>>>> thousands of pages big app with hundreds of mediocre (as in likely to
>>>> break things) developers. They'd rather have 80% of the thing working
>>>> than nothing at all. I never thought of this for my own projects, and
>>>> haven't had the time to examine the truth of their claims. What's your
>>>> take?
>>>> I provided the following response:
>>>> Early failures are absolutely, 100%, the only path towards code
>>>> quality. You may have heard the phrase "no broken windows" (see "The
>>>> Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell for more details) but the short form
>>>> is that when errors go uncorrected (whether they are broken windows in
>>>> an abandoned building, or broken code in an application) they tend to
>>>> multiply quite rapidly.
>>>> The things that will "break" a link from page A to page B are
>>>> substantial problems such as invalid templates, references to unknown
>>>> properties or components, or compile errors in the page B class ...
>>>> things that no other developer should ever see when page B's developer
>>>> is working and checking in code. That is, problems that should never be
>>>> checked into trunk, but instead kept in a local workspace or a private
>>>> branch.
>>>> An organization that thinks that fail early is a problem is an
>>>> organization that isn't prepared to develop a large application in any
>>>> technology. The image I'm getting is one where there is no build
>>>> server, no continuous integration, at best CVS for source code
>>>> management (or possibly one of those "shared directory"
>>>> monstrosities) .... i.e., a chaotic environment where errors are
>>>> allowed to be checked in to the trunk and can go unnoticed for some
>>>> time.
>>>> The solution to coding errors in pages or components is not to wait
>>>> until your testers (or end users) find the bugs, but to identify and
>>>> fix the bugs early. That's called "engineering discipline" and the
>>>> reality is that even self-professed "mediocre" developers can do it.
>>>> Tapestry helps because it fails early and has great exception reporting
>>>> to guide you right the problem so that you can fix it.
>>>> Another factor here is enforced helplessness. If only Fred understands
>>>> page B and he's out when it's broken, then all development stops
>>>> waiting for Fred to get back. I hit this problem myself, years ago
>>>> working on a large Struts application (those words give me the heebie
>>>> jeebies now!). We had lots of code, a fragile and slow build process,
>>>> and many little code "fiefdoms". I spent too much wasted time twiddling
>>>> my thumbs.
>>>> Nobody should "own the code"; if page B is is broken, Julie (who
>>>> normally develops page A) should be free to fix it. Julie will need to
>>>> understand the page B code well enough to fix it, but also you need an
>>>> overall environment with shared source, no repository locks (that is,
>>>> nothing that says "Only Fred can change this file"), and no management
>>>> PHB's getting in the way. Pair programming is the best way for Fred and
>>>> Julie to share knowledge so that they can understand each other's code.
>>>> Even if pairing occurs only part time, it's very effective at knowledge
>>>> transfer as well as ordinary coding.
>>>> The idea that "mediocre" developers should use JSF as it is more
>>>> tolerant of errors is absurd! Tapestry 5 is designed to improve
>>>> productivity for all developers, by streamlining, simplifying, being
>>>> smart and being concise ... not to mention live class reloading and
>>>> best-of-breed exception reporting, which makes it fast to identify and
>>>> fix those errors.
>>>> If your doctor tells you to eat less red meat, that doesn't mean you
>>>> should switch to a diet of fried chicken three meals a day! Likewise,
>>>> if you have concerns with code quality from your developers, you should
>>>> not switch to a less agile, more code-intensive, less supportive
>>>> development model and hope to catch all the bugs in QA. Sweeping
>>>> problems under the rug is never a winning strategy.
>>>> Coming down off my soap box, I should also add that Tapestry 5.1 works
>>>> a little bit differently than 5.0 in this respect, so it does (in fact)
>>>> defer more of the page loading and validation until a link is actually
>>>> clicked. This is more for performance reasons than to shield developers
>>>> from application problems. Even in 5.0, the loading and validation was
>>>> the "reach" from page A to pages explicitly referenced (usually via
>>>> PageLink during the rendering of page A), so it's a highly unlikely
>>>> case that a single error in a 1000 page application will keep the
>>>> application from starting up, unless the start page of the application
>>>> links to all 999 other pages.
>>>> Re-reading the above post I can't emphasize enough: you can't ignore
>>>> quality problems. Quality problems lead to development failures,
>>>> schedule slips, missing functionality, low morale and high turnover.
>>>> Saying "we don't have time to fix the quality problem first" is to
>>>> ignore the the second law of Thermodynamics. You are expecting a
>>>> miracle, literally writing it into your project plan.
>>>> Formos addresses this issue two ways: First, we use Scrum and deliver
>>>> on (typically) 4 week cycles. Thus we set real deadlines and have a
>>>> constant check on quality (we're providing working code constantly). We
>>>> don't even try to predict what we'll be doing six months or two years
>>>> from now, we just deliver a steady, manageable stream of software.
>>>> Secondly, Formos uses Tapestry because of all the reasons that the
>>>> anonymous developer's organization rejected it, and for many, many more
>>>> reasons besides.
>>>> --
>>>> Posted By Howard to Tapestry Central at 6/16/2009 03:45:00 PM
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Olle Hallin
Senior Java Developer and Architect

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