Thanks for getting back to me. I can see difference but it still feels a bit
I would expect anything declared inside a loop not to persist between
iterations. But thanks for explaining it to me, I can ensure that my
components have the relevant cleanup methods.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Robert Zeigler <> wrote:

> You're comparing apples to oranges:
>  The first is a single component instance rendered three times.
>  The second is three separate instances of a particular component type
> being rendered.
> Consider the difference between:
>  <t:loop source="users" row="currentUser">
>     <t:textfield value="currentUser.firstName"/>
>  </t:loop>
> and
>  <t:textfield value="someOtherValue"/>
> The textfield within the loop is clearly the same component instance... and
> you want it to be (although you want bindings to be updated iteration of the
> loop so you're always bound to the current user's firstName).
> I think your confusion comes in misunderstanding the pooling process.
>  Components aren't pooled. Pages are.
> The process goes:
>  User requests a page
>  If page instance exists in pool, return, otherwise, assemble a new page
>  When assempling a new page, each component used by the page (and, in turn,
> its embedded components) is /instantiated/.  It is /not/ checked out from a
> pool.  There is no pool of components, only a pool of pages.  The things
> tapestry does to speed up page fetching (aside from pooling /page/
> instances, with the entire component tree of the page associated with it) is
> to cache the page "assembler", which is basically a list of instructions on
> how to create a new page, so you're not constantly parsing templates, etc.,
> but just re-executing a pre-programmed set of commands.  Generating the
> assembler is expensive; running the assembler is cheaper (but still
> expensive enough to justify page pooling).
> HTH.
> Robert
> On Jul 8, 2009, at 7/86:33 AM , Jack Nuzbit wrote:
>  Hello,
>> Am I correct in thinking that when a component is acquired from the pool
>> it's state should be reset?
>> I'm asking because I've noticed that when rendering components repeatedly
>> in
>> a loop the state doesn't get reset.
>> Here's the test component I've used:
>> public class Test {
>>   @Property
>>   private int a;
>>   void setupRender() {
>>       a++;
>>   }
>> }
>> with corresponding component html:
>> <t:container xmlns:t="
>>   ${a}
>> </t:container>
>> Here's the page i used to test the component.
>> <html xmlns:t="";>
>> <body>
>>   <h3>Looped references</h3>
>>   <t:loop source="1..3" >
>>       <t:test/>
>>   </t:loop>
>>   <h3>Static references</h3>
>>   <t:test/>
>>   <t:test/>
>>   <t:test/>
>> </body>
>> </html>
>> The output is:
>> Looped references 1 2 3 Static references 1 1 1
>> I know i could reset variables in a cleanup render method but shouldn't
>> the
>> component behave the same way inside or outside of a loop?
>> Many thanks,
>> Jack
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