
Do you have any thoughts on this?  I've had to fudge this by including
lots of hidden fields which I can show/hide/configure dynamically (via
Ajax) but which are mostly unused.  I'd like to keep the initial page
size as low as possible and the FormInjector gets me close, but no

Regards, and thanks,


2009/3/11 Patrick Moriarty <>:
> Hi,
> I've been experimenting with using a FormInjector to inject a Block
> containing a FormFragment to allow me to reconfigure part of a form when a
> select option is picked.
> The idea was to hideAndRemove the fragment and request new content via the
> injector and it works quite well until the form is submitted and fails
> validation.
> When the page is rendered again the injected content is gone but validation
> messages for fields contained in it are shown!
> Has anyone used FormInjector in this way?
> Thanks,
> Patrick Moriarty
> Annadale Technologies Ltd.

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